7 alarms to help recognising when it is time to delegate your Short-Term Rental management

short-term rental management - Turnover angel lanscape image 3 - 7 alarms to help recognising when it is time to delegate your Short-Term Rental management

Managing a home and keeping it clean can be a lot of work, especially when you’re trying to balance other responsibilities like work, family, and hobbies.

If you’re a home owner who’s renting out your property as a short-term rental (STR) in North Idaho, you’re likely all too familiar with the time-consuming and sometimes stressful aspects of STR management. From cleaning and maintenance to guest communication and marketing, there are many tasks that can quickly become overwhelming.

One of the most important things you can do as an STR host is to recognize when it’s time to delegate some of these tasks to a professional management company. Here are seven alarms to watch out for that may indicate it’s time to delegate your STR management:

1. You’re tired of the constant phone notifications:

The constant sound of your phone ringing or dinging with new Airbnb requests, guest questions, and reviews can become overwhelming.

If you find yourself constantly checking your phone and feeling like you can never truly unplug, it may be time to delegate these communication tasks to a professional management company, we are here to help.

2. You’re struggling to keep up with cleaning and maintenance:

The cleaning and maintenance requirements for an STR can be time-consuming and tedious. If you’re struggling to keep up with these tasks, it’s time to consider delegating them to a management company that can handle them for you.

3. Your occupancy rates are suffering:

If you’re finding it hard to keep your property booked consistently, it may be time to delegate your marketing and advertising efforts to a professional management company.

In Turnover Angel we can help you optimize your listing, take professional photos, and advertise your property to the right target audience.

4. You’re not maximizing your rental income:

If you’re not sure how to set the right rental price for your property, or you’re not sure how to optimize your listing to maximize your rental income, it’s time to delegate these tasks to a professional management company.

Turnover Angel can help you identify the optimal price point for your property, and help you adjust your listing to attract more bookings.

5. You’re experiencing guest complaints or issues:

Dealing with guest complaints or issues can be time-consuming and stressful. If you’re finding it difficult to handle these situations on your own, it may be time to delegate these tasks to a professional management company that has experience in dealing with these issues.

6. You’re expanding your portfolio:

If you’re planning to expand your STR portfolio beyond just one property, it may be time to delegate some of the management tasks to a professional company. Turnover Angel will help you manage multiple properties, streamline your processes, and ensure that each property is running smoothly.

7. You’re simply tired of doing it all yourself:

Finally, if you’re just tired of the day-to-day stress and time commitment of managing your STR, it may be time to delegate these tasks. This will give you more time to focus on other aspects of your life and enjoy the benefits of owning an STR without the stress.

In conclusion, if you’re an STR host in North Idaho (including Coeur D’alene and Spokane), it’s important to recognize when it’s time to delegate some of the management tasks to a professional company. By doing so, you can free up your time and energy, maximize your rental income, and enjoy the benefits of owning an STR without the stress.

Want to learn more about running your vacation rental business like a pro? Visit our Vacation Rental Management page and discover how we can help turning your home into income.

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